- Meet the team
- 16th Jan 2024
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What is your favourite thing about teaching?
I get a real kick from seeing that penny drop moment in a learner's face when the stress melts away and they realise they’ve grabbed a concept within their heads, there’s no better feeling. Helping young people find their way in the world, during a period when they are transitioning from school to the real world or embarking on a new career, can be a really difficult life period and it’s so nice to be able to give them advice and knowledge during this pivotal time.
Tell me about your background.
I started as a CAD technician apprentice straight after my A-levels, I was working for Atkins Global as part of a ‘Rail’ apprenticeship, I enjoyed it and stayed at it for a whole year, but the journey into Croydon every day was stripping away from other parts of my life, so I made the decision to apply to something in an subject that I preferred, and preferably more local, so I took applied to BAE systems Rochester as an apprentice, I was successful, handed in my notice at the start of the summer 2017, and started with BAE in the September of that year.
This 1st year is full-time at IPS, which is where I first met the team at IPS and made many good friends. I was successful in my BTEC, getting a Distinction/Merit grade in Electrical/Electronic engineering. Following this I continued at BAE, specialising in the qualification department whilst carrying out my HNC at Midkent College, I achieved a distinction, one of my proudest achievements, and continued into the qualification department.
I enjoyed the work but I felt the environment was not right for me to thrive, I sought out a different role within BAE but to no avail. I was very fortunate to maintain relationships with people at IPS, and through these, I found out that my maths teacher at IPS was moving onto pastures new, so I jumped at the opportunity to take over where she left off.
Why did you decide to get into teaching?
I always thought I would become a teacher as I feel it suits my character, I just always imagined it would be later in life after an extensive period in industry. It just so happened that the stars aligned, and an opportunity arose I felt I could not miss, and I think it's one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Describe one of the most successful lessons you have taught in a class.
The best lessons are those that do not feel like a lesson, the ones in which the topics are covered well, connected to the student's own experiences, and in which an open discussion is had. There have been a few instances in both maths and business that seemed to spark something in the learners, they see the use of the content, and how it connects to their lives and their jobs, and internalise the lesson contents as a result. How would your peers and learners describe you? I hope my peers see me primarily as understanding but as staunch in my expectations of my learners. It's integral to not only be knowledgeable and trustworthy in the subject you teach but also be fair and reasonable in the expectations of workload when the students have things happening in their lives.
How would you describe your teaching style in a few words?
I would say my teaching style is based around dialogue with minimal monologues. I almost incessantly pester my learners to verify they understand the points I am getting across and will not let them off the hook until they confirm one way or the other. I always want them to feel comfortable in my class, but not overly casual, there is a balance, and I learn more every lesson about how to find it.
What specific subjects do you teach for IPS?
I teach Maths in engineering to the 1st year BTEC learners and business to the 2nd year BTEC learners, I also oversee the engineering project subject for the 2nd year, which also encompasses the communications unit. Then outside of BTEC, I teach functional skills in Maths and English to any learners at the college who needs it.
- Meet the team,