An Employers Guide

Staff upskill & Reskill
Read our employers' guide to bridging the skills gap.
5 reasons why investing in upskilling your workforce is so important right now!
Hire an apprentice
Bringing an apprentice onboard step-by-step.
We can also promote your vacancies on our website, social media, and our partner networks to help fill your job openings with local talent. Ready to unlock new opportunities? Don't wait any longer.
Contact our Business Development team today and invest in your business's future success.

work in partnership with ips international
Partner with Kent's leading independent training providers for apprenticeship excellence.
In today's ever-evolving business landscape, staying competitive often hinges on having a highly skilled and adaptable workforce. Finding talent with the right skills can be challenging, and this is where apprenticeships can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of your organisation. Here are six key benefits to your business working in partnership with IPS for apprenticeships and commercial courses: